BITS is a North American term that describes a building-centric timing system. Also referred to as a Synchronization Supply Unit (SSU), the BITS system efficiently manages the number of timing interfaces within a structure.
Without something such as BITS/SSU in place, it is possible to have many different timing sources within the same building because of the number of synchronous links that the building might contain. BITS operates by providing common Stratum 1 ingress and egress external timing connections to the building (typically deployed over a T1 or E1), and then distributing timing internally to all circuits that require it.
At Empowered, we specialize in understanding complex in-building network timing requirements and the implementation and integration of unique BITS solutions.

TimeProvider 1100
TimeProvider 1000 features a front facing connector panel, while connections to the TimeProvider 1100 are made on the rear of the unit. Only a high-performance node clock can adequately meet the critical sync requirements of your small office. These include a reduced number of outputs, a smaller footprint, and lower cost points–all with the stability and accuracy of a core office sync system.

Microchip SSU 2000
The SSU 2000 and SSU 2000e are intelligent, fully manageable Synchronization Supply Unit or Timing Signal Generator designed to meet the latest and evolving industry standards. These carrier-grade systems support traditional T1/E1 synchronization as well as NTP and IEEE-1588 PTP synchronization in next generation packet networks and 4G/LTE wireless networks.

TimeHub 5500
TimeHub® 5500 is an NGN-ready platform designed to meet all traditional central office synchronization and timing requirements, and to provide next generation PackeTime® solutions critical to advanced service offerings such as IPTV. Designed to meet synchronization requirements for today’s demanding video and data applications, Microchip”s TimeHub 5500 is the next generation BITS.

Microchip TimeProvider 4100 Series
Critical infrastructure communication networks rely on our TimeProvider 4100 series for accurate, resilient, and secure IEEE® 1588-compliant Grandmasters. This innovative hardware platform, featuring unique software options and versatile operation modes, can be deployed at core sites, aggregation sites, fronthaul, or backhaul.
Ready to start your journey?
Empowered can help
Start your synchronization journey with our precise, secure, and resilient timing solutions. Contact us today.